The project for the construction of the 4th Bamako Bridge and its access roads is part of the planning and development of transport infrastructure in order to ensure the connectivity of the country internally and externally.
The planned engineering structure is a prestressed concrete bridge built by successive corbels.
The access roads comprise :
On the left bank:
the construction of an access road of approximately 800 meters long connecting the bridge to the RN5;
On the right bank:
The construction an acces road of km connecting the Tour d'Afrique to the 4th Bridge.
The project also includes the erection of four interchanges and five footbridges at the points of traffic conflicts.
The access roads will be laid out in 2x2 lanes.
Our mission
- Preliminary studies, Detailed Design and Tender Documents.
- Economic study to evaluate the benefits and profitability of the project;
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment.